The Gulfstream IV (or G-IV or GIV) and derivatives are a family of twinjet aircraft, mainly for private or business use. They were designed and built by Gulfstream Aerospace, a General Dynamics company based in Savannah, Georgia, United States, from 1985 until 2018. Aircraft power is provided by two Rolls-Royce RB.183 Tay turbofans.
Upon delivery of the last Gulfstream G450, over 900 GIV/GIV-SP/G450 units had been produced. The last G450 was delivered on 19 January 2018 after 365 deliveries over 12 years, ending a 30-year production run.
The G450 is a designation for the model GIV-X, approved by the FAA on August 12, 2004. Compared to the Gulfstream IV, its fuselage is 12 inches longer and the main entry door is relocated aft. The Rolls-Royce Tay 611 engines are replaced by 611-8Cs with FADEC, redesigned thrust reversers, nacelles, and pylons which increase range and payload, coupled with aerodynamic improvements. Many Gulfstream V-SP improvements are used: the Honeywell advanced flight deck display suite, electrical power generation, cabin temperature control, and pressurization, and nose and nose landing gear. The Gulfstream G450 also has an improved APU and flap/stab actuation system, redesigned main landing gear wheels and brakes, flight control system hard-over protection system.
- Seats Full Range (NM / SM): 3997 / 4600 – The Gulfstream G450 offers an impressive range of approximately 4,600 statute miles when fully loaded with passengers, making it an ideal choice for transcontinental and international travel. With this remarkable range, you can reach numerous destinations without the need for refueling stops, ensuring a seamless and efficient journey.
- Ferry Range (No Payload) (NM / SM): 4,290 / 4,937 – When you need to reposition the aircraft without any passengers or cargo, the G450 still provides substantial ferry range capabilities. With a ferry range of approximately 4,937 statute miles, you have the flexibility to move the aircraft efficiently between regions or for maintenance purposes.
- Balance Field Length (Take-off Distance in Feet): 5,626 – The Gulfstream G450 boasts a balanced field length of 5,626 feet for take-off.
- Landing Distance (Feet): 3,374 – With a landing distance of just 3,374 feet, the G450 can access airports with shorter runways, expanding your options for destinations and enhancing your travel convenience.
- Average Block Speed (KTS / MPH): 464 / 534 – The Gulfstream G450 achieves an impressive average block speed of 464 knots (approximately 534 miles per hour). This means you can cover long distances efficiently, reducing travel time and enhancing overall productivity.
- Normal Cruise (KTS / MPH): 464 / 534 – During normal cruise conditions, the G450 maintains a speed of 464 knots (approximately 534 miles per hour), ensuring a swift and comfortable journey for passengers.
- Long Range Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH): 434 / 499 – The long-range cruise speed of 434 knots (approximately 499 miles per hour) offers optimal fuel efficiency when embarking on extended journeys.
- Fuel Usage (Gallons Per Hour): 498.00 – The G450 is known for its fuel efficiency, consuming approximately 498 gallons per hour during flight. This efficiency not only reduces operating costs but also minimizes environmental impact.
- Service Ceiling (Feet): 45,000 – With a service ceiling of 45,000 feet, the G450 can comfortably cruise at high altitudes, providing a smoother and more efficient ride. Flying at higher altitudes often means avoiding adverse weather conditions and air traffic congestion.
- Useful Payload With Full Fuel (Lbs): 2,456 – The Gulfstream G450 offers a useful payload of approximately 2,456 pounds when fully fueled. This means you can carry a substantial amount of cargo or passengers while still having ample fuel for long-distance travel.
- Maximum Take-Off Weight: 74,600 – The G450 boasts a maximum take-off weight of 74,600 pounds, allowing for heavier loads and longer trips.
- Maximum Landing Weight: 66,000 – The maximum landing weight of 66,000 pounds allows the G450 to safely touch down with passengers and cargo onboard. This weight capacity is essential for ensuring safe landings at various airports.
- Basic Operating Weight: 42,120 – The basic operating weight of 42,120 pounds represents the aircraft’s weight without passengers or cargo. It’s a crucial factor in determining the aircraft’s performance and fuel efficiency for specific missions.
- Total Usable Fuel Weight: 28,549 – The Gulfstream G450 can carry a total usable fuel weight of approximately 28,549 pounds. This substantial fuel capacity provides the range and endurance needed for long-haul flights, making it a reliable choice for international travel.

- Minimum Crew / Maximum Passengers: 2 / 14
- Baggage Capacity External / Internal (Cubic Feet): 0 / 169
- Cabin Height (Feet): 6’2″
- Cabin Width (Feet): 7’4″
- Cabin Length (Feet): 45’1″
- Cabin Volume (Cubic Feet): 2039.52
- Years in Production: 2004-2019
- Active Fleet (approximate): 400

- Airframe Maintenance Per Hour: $469.00
- Engine / APU Maintenance Per Hour: $619.00
- Fuel Cost based on Gallons Per Hour: $2,116.50
- Crew Misc.: $543.00
- Total Variable Cost Per Hour: $3,747.50
- Cost Per NM: $8.07