In September 2002, Gulfstream announced the improved G150, based on the G100. This last variant features a wider (12 in) and longer fuselage (16 in aft of rear pressure bulkhead) updated avionics and an increase in maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) to 26,100 pounds (11,839 kg) compared to the G100’s MTOW of 24,650 pounds (11,181 kg). It was certified by the FAA in late 2005. It has been certified for the steeper-than-normal approach path required to land at London City Airport. Production of the G100 was discontinued following certification of the G150. IAI continued to manufacture G150s in Israel and the completed airframes were then flown to the U.S. for interior outfitting. In September 2016, Gulfstream announced that, owing to slow sales, production would be stopped, with delivery of the final aircraft due in mid-2017.
Seats Full Range (NM / SM): 2691 / 3096
Ferry Range (No Payload) (NM / SM): 3,052 / 3,512
Balance Field Length (Take-off Distance in Feet): 5,499
Landing Distance (Feet): 3,093
Average Block Speed (KTS / MPH): 448 / 515
Normal Cruise (KTS / MPH): 447 / 515
Long Range Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH): 419 / 482
Fuel Usage (Gallons Per Hour): 220.00
Service Ceiling (Feet): 45,000
Useful Payload With Full Fuel (Lbs): 829
Maximum Take Off Weight: 26,100
Maximum Landing Weight: 21,700
Basic Operating Weight: 14,723
Total Usable Fuel Weight: 10,043

Minimum Crew / Maximum Passengers: 2 / 7
Baggage Capacity External / Internal (Cubic Feet): 55 / 25
Cabin Height (Feet): 5’9″
Cabin Width (Feet): 5’9″
Cabin Length (Feet): 17’8″
Cabin Volume (Cubic Feet): 584.10
Years in Production: 2005-2019
Active Fleet (approximate): 120.00

Airframe Maintenance Per Hour: $340.00
Engine / APU Maintenance Per Hour: $596.00
Fuel Cost based on Gallons Per Hour: $935.00
Crew Misc.: $235.00
Total Variable Cost Per Hour: $2,106.00
Cost Per NM: $4.71