The Cessna Citation Latitude (Model 680A) is a 2,700 nmi (5,000 km) range business jet built by Cessna. It was announced at the 2011 NBAA convention, the prototype first flew on 18 February 2014, it achieved FAA certification on June 5, 2015 and first deliveries begun on August 27. It keeps the Model 680 Sovereign wing, twin P&WC PW306D turbofans and cruciform tail, but its clean sheet stand-up circular fuselage has a flat floor. This new fuselage is kept in the later Cessna Citation Longitude.
It keeps the Citation Sovereign wing, twin Pratt & Whitney Canada PW306D turbofans and cruciform tail. Its clean sheet, all metal stand-up circular fuselage has a flat floor and seats nine.
Deliveries to customers began in the third quarter of 2015 and sixteen had been handed over by the end of the year. By May 2018, almost three years since introduction, 124 were delivered and logged 80,000 flight hours.
Seats Full Range (NM / SM): 2500 / 2876
Ferry Range (No Payload) (NM / SM): 2,700 / 3,107
Balance Field Length (Take-off Distance in Feet): 4,030
Landing Distance (Feet): 2,700
Average Block Speed (KTS / MPH): 440 / 506
Normal Cruise (KTS / MPH): 440 / 506
Long Range Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH): 398 / 458
Fuel Usage (Gallons Per Hour): 303.00
Service Ceiling (Feet): 45,000
Useful Payload With Full Fuel (Lbs): 1,040
Maximum Take Off Weight: 30,800
Maximum Landing Weight: 27,575
Basic Operating Weight: 19,065
Total Usable Fuel Weight: 11,394

Minimum Crew / Maximum Passengers: 2 / 9
Baggage Capacity External / Internal (Cubic Feet): 0 / 126
Cabin Height (Feet): 6’0″
Cabin Width (Feet): 6’5″
Cabin Length (Feet): 21’9″
Cabin Volume (Cubic Feet): 837.38
Years in Production: 2015-2019
Active Fleet (approximate): 120.00

Airframe Maintenance Per Hour: $356.00
Engine / APU Maintenance Per Hour: $585.00
Fuel Cost based on Gallons Per Hour: $1,287.75
Crew Misc.: $238.00
Total Variable Cost Per Hour: $2,466.75
Cost Per NM: $5.61