The Learjet 45XR is an upgraded version of the Model 45, introduced in June, 2004, offering substantially higher takeoff weights, faster cruise speeds and faster time-to-climb rates than the Model 45, chiefly through modifications to the engine.
The XR allowed a gross weight 1,000 pounds greater than the original Model 45, greatly increasing payload and fuel/range options. The aircraft also has exceptionally short runway requirements for mid-size bizjets, capable of loaded flights from 4,000-foot runways.
The 45XR’s performance and specifications increases are due to the upgrading of the engines to the TFE731-20BR configuration, flat-rated to 3,500 pounds thrust, even at 104 degrees Fahrenheit, well above the 88-degree mark for that power from the original Model 45’s TFE731-20 engines.
The Model 45 cockpit is equipped with a four-screen Honeywell Primus 1000 EFIS avionics system, with TCAS and EGPWS.
Seats Full Range (NM / SM): 1642 / 1890
Ferry Range (No Payload) (NM / SM): 1,889 / 2,173
Balance Field Length (Take-off Distance in Feet): 4,914
Landing Distance (Feet): 3,135
Average Block Speed (KTS / MPH): 425 / 489
Normal Cruise (KTS / MPH): 425 / 489
Long Range Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH): 421 / 485
Fuel Usage (Gallons Per Hour): 219.00
Service Ceiling (Feet): 51,000
Useful Payload With Full Fuel (Lbs): 1,524
Maximum Take Off Weight: 21,500
Maximum Landing Weight: 19,200
Basic Operating Weight: 13,772
Total Usable Fuel Weight: 5,910

Minimum Crew / Maximum Passengers: 2 / 8
Baggage Capacity External / Internal (Cubic Feet): 50 / 15
Cabin Height (Feet): 4’11”
Cabin Width (Feet): 5’1″
Cabin Length (Feet): 19’9″
Cabin Volume (Cubic Feet): 493.61
Years in Production: 2003-2012
Active Fleet (approximate): 208.00

Airframe Maintenance Per Hour: $374.00
Engine / APU Maintenance Per Hour: $546.00
Fuel Cost based on Gallons Per Hour: $930.75
Crew Misc.: $196.00
Total Variable Cost Per Hour: $2,046.75
Cost Per NM: $4.82